Looking at the detail

There is so much that the naked eye just can’t see and as a result, we tend to make ambiguous assumptions about what is actually there. Lately I’ve been focusing on the tiny details brought to life through a macro lens fitted onto my phone. Specifically, I’m...

The power of visual thinking

Using Powerpoint to make sense of conflicting thoughts might sound really counter intuitive to an artist but when seen alongside your sketchbook and a hand drawn mindmap, it can go a long way in revealing where you’re really at with your studio work. It all started...

Look again at the humble sketchbook

If my studio went up in flames, what would I grab first? Without question – my big black sketchbooks. I began using this kind of sketchbook in the early 2000s and they contain what feels like the most significant stages of my creative career. A3 size, black,...

Avoiding gatekeepers and forging a new path for your creative self

If I might begin where I left off in my last post: ‘After a lifetime of following the prescriptive pathway of an artist, my inclination is now to diverge from this and forge my own path’, I’d like to share a few emerging reflections and images. I mentioned that I’m...

What closeups in photography reveal

Spoiler alert – I’m not very patient when photographing my artwork up close. But I’m really interested in seeing what the camera reveals so am doing it over a period of time, allowing a breathing space for reflection. Once again I see that one of the best advantages...

Seeing things from a fresh perspective in the studio

One of the best things about going away is coming back and seeing things from a fresh perspective. I’ve had a short break away from the familiar day to day events and on coming back into my new look studio, what struck me most is its clean brightness and how...